RAMS 2006 Pittsburgh Machine
- This unit comes with a 1 HP electric motor, 110-115V single phase.
- We use Torrington Needle Bearings and hardened steel components throughout, (62 Rockwell).
- The cabinet is heavy gauge steel with a Hammertone Green Finish.
RAMS-2008-AA-G 20ga Auto Adjust Power Flanger Attachment
- The unit can be mounted to the RAMS 2006 Pittsburgh Machine.
- The RAMS-2008-AA-G Power Flanger will form a 7/32″ right angle flange on either straight or curved pieces.
- It has an “auto-guide”, which will automatically hold the metal for turning the flange on both a radius or a straight piece.
- This unit features Torrington Needle Bearings, hardened and ground shafts.